COMMENT: Yvonne Halling, industry coach, on the importance of awards

COMMENT: Yvonne Halling, industry coach, on the importance of awards

It’s 4.30pm and I’m sitting at my kitchen table, waiting for the guests to arrive at 5pm.  Outside the open door. I can hear the birds chirping in the garden in the late afternoon sun.

The champagne is chilling ready to offer to the incoming guests, and I’m answering email enquiries and bookings are appearing in my inbox.

All is well.

My business is running like a well-oiled machine, giving me consistent income and security and I’m enjoying the fruits of my learning and implementation

I feel good at what I’ve been able to create, against all the odds, with the bailiffs at the door just four short years ago, threatening to re-possess our home.

To have been able to build a real business from ground zero to six figures, and that brings me joy, fulfilment and challenge.  That allows my creativity to express itself, because I learned things.

Nothing could have prepared me for what happened next

Suddenly, pulling me from my reverie, an email pops in

The subject line is “winner announced!”

I’m curious so I open it.

I can hardly believe my eyes.

“Yvonne Halling, Winner of Infusionsoft’s Ultimate Marketer Contest, Best in Class Customer Satisfaction 2013”


This is the most prestigious, most well-known online marketing award on the planet!

Coveted by big millionaire-type online marketers and won mostly by big millionaire-type online marketers.

Not by people like me.

Not a B&B owner for goodness sake!

It was true, though.  I had won it.

When I entered the competition a few months previously, I had no idea what would happen

I had no idea that they would pick me for this award. And I had no idea that they would publicise me all over the internet, and then send a film crew over from the USA to make a video of me (which you can see here: ) which made me “internet-famous” and did so many amazing things for my B&B business and my coaching business.

Just from entering a competition.

Awards are a way for you to differentiate yourself – make sure you’re entering them on a regular basis.  I can’t promise that you’ll become “famous” but entering and winning awards will set you apart from everyone else.  And that’s a GOOD thing.

Someone has to win, and it could be you.


Yvonne Halling helps inns, B&Bs, guest houses and owner-managed hotels worldwide to add at least an extra 25% to their business, while working less and having more fun.  You can find her here:


Email:  [email protected]




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