Industry expert Yvonne Halling considers how to create an emotional connection with your guests and why it matters
In this world of technology, we seem to be more connected than ever. We can Facetime, Zoom, WhatsApp our friends, family and even our guests anywhere in the world, and you’d think that it would bring us closer together.
The truth is that although we are technologically connected, studies show as human, we’re increasingly becoming emotionally disconnected.Increase in suicide rates, depression and declining mental health are constantly laid before us, so why is this so?
Humans have a need for human to human connection, in ways that soothe our senses, touch, taste, hear, see, smell, and the good news is we can use the technology to create that, if we understand what we’re doing
Emotional connection is a basic human need, and if we ignore it, then we’re missing a trick.
So how do you do this in your business, especially in a post covid world where touching has almost been outlawed?
Here’s 3 ways you can create an emotional connection with your guests, whether you greet them in person or remotely
#1 Never under-estimate the value in them seeing your face and hearing your voice, no matter what you think you look and sound like. A reassuring video that lets them know you’re real and they haven’t been scammed will go a long way to meeting their emotional need for connection
#2 Your guests need reassurance every step of the way from the moment they booked with you, to the moment they step through your door. You’ll need to be reassuring them that they made a really great decision in booking with you. Not just once, but over and over, especially if a significant other is present. A well-crafted email campaign can do this very well for you
#3 Ask them to connect with you on social media, by being your friend, liking your page, and then send them a private message, again to let them know you value them, so they can feel special. You need to be on multiple social media platforms with a solid reputation that people can trust.
If you start implementing at least one of these three tips, you’ll find that your guests will be more relaxed, cancellations will diminish and loyalty will be increase, meaning your guests will talk about you to their friends. A win/win for everyone.
Maya Angelou once said “people will forget what you said, and forget what you did, but will never forget how you made them feel”
If you don’t do any of this, you run the risk as being seen the same as everyone else, who doesn’t do this, and then you’ll find yourself competing on price, or being asked for discounts, and no-one wants that!
Use technology to enhance the human connection and watch your business thrive.