Maintaining a warm, cosy environment is expected by guests, when they check-in to stay and enjoy the facilities. A cold building like a hotel or Bed & Breakfast will quickly see its TripAdvisor ratings go down.
With high central heating and hot water requirements, the hospitality industry now face their next challenge, how to reduce heating bills and help tackle climate change. Heating and hot water, is so important to a guest’s overall experience. The heating and hot water can also account for up to 60% of a hotel’s energy bills and is one of the key contributors to their carbon footprint.
With everyone now more aware of the climate emergency, clients are taking in to consideration the environmental changes hotels have made, before booking.
So, how do you keep up with the heating and hot water demand, and at the same time reduce carbon emissions and running costs, all while still trying to make a profit?
The Domestic and Commercial Hydro Genie Systems are a retro fit, carbon reduction solution, for existing domestic & commercial boilers running on fossil fuels. Retrofitted to the flow and return pipe work of existing heating boilers, the proven, patented technology, improves the heat transfer to the circulating water, supplying the central heating, hot water and the heating of swimming pools. Providing dramatic reductions in energy use & carbon emissions of up to 35%. As no boiler house is the same, The commercial Hydro Genie Systems are made bespoke for each boiler house, and is installed with no up front cost, on a service lease.
TO get in touch to see your energy bills shrink –