NEW ‘CleanintUV’ destroys 99% of germs from handheld devices


The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends you clean and disinfect items such as remote controls daily.

The CDC has found that coronavirus can survive on surfaces for up to 17 days.

Cleanintuv is a patented, revolutionary way to destroy over 99% of germs and viruses on handheld devices. Simply place an item inside, and a smart sensor will begin the cleaning process using powerful UV light. In as little as 30 seconds your device comes out clean and ready for use. Safe for all electronic and other handheld devices.

CleanintUV uses powerful UV light to destroy germs and bacteria at the cellular level. Proven effective against viruses and dangerous bacteria, CleanintUV is safe and effective.

You can use the CleanintUV on any common handheld object, such as smart phones, smart watches, credit cards, baby toys and more.

For more information, click here, or check out the CleanintUV online or using the video link below.

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