Product News: Dip-San hygienic toilet brush

dipsan hygienic toilet brush

The Dip-San® patented Self Cleaning Brush System has been developed to provide a totally hygienic alternative to the traditional germ-ridden toilet brush.

Our product platform has been designed for both ‘at home’ and a diverse range of ‘away from home’ toilet environments.

Dip-San® is manufactured to the highest standard with Biomaster Antimicrobial Technology built in, providing many years of hygienic service in the most sustainable way possible and backed by our no quibble Lifetime Guarantee.

We have manufactured Dip-San® “The Hygienic Toilet Brush” in the UK since 2009 and are proud members of the Make it British and Made in Britain organisations.

Visit to view our “How Dip-San Works” video and place an order today !

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