Should you pause your Google ad spend?


I’ve just done a search for “luxury bed and breakfast” and was surprised to see how many places are still advertising. I couldn’t see any ads for the large OTA’s like, and so wondered if they had paused all online advertising for now.

It was surprising to see as they are normally positioned either near or at the top of the list.

My advice would be take a leaf from their books and stop paying for ads on Google for now. Whilst you might get clicks from browsers, in my opinion very few people will be ready to buy.

If you are still keen to keep up the digital ad spend, I would consider other objectives than booking:

  • Continue the ads but with a different focus, e.g. signup for our newsletter
  • Drive traffic to a competition on your site in order to collect contact details for your marketing list.
  • Look at facebook or other advertising to build you facebook page likes / Twitter followers
  • Just save the budget for better times. As an owner myself my booking have not unsurprisingly gone down to zero.

What do you think? Have your bookings gone down to zero or are you taking forward bookings, maybe for next year?

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