Survey reveals Wi-Fi is a deal-breaker for British holidaymakers

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Most Britons consider Wi-Fi an issue when staying away from home for leisure purposes according to a new study carried out by data networking company Linksys.

The survey of 2,000 UK consumers found that Britons value a seamless Wi-Fi connection more than any other Europeans, especially when they take their kids.

An overwhelming 82% rate Wi-Fi availability as a priority when staying away from home compared with the rest of Europe’s 78.3%, and more than 64% of UK residents have admitted they will strongly consider an alternative accommodation if Wi-Fi is not available or easily accessible. Almost one in five said they would consider it a definite deal-breaker.

Unsurprisingly, travel with kids reflected a higher need for accessing Wi-Fi on holiday compared with those on vacation without kids under the age of 18 (77% versus 62%, respectively). The digital generation has an impact on their parents’ planning whether it’s in a hotel, campground or guesthouse, the survey revealed.

When Europeans take a holiday in their own countries, they have the highest need for Wi-Fi at 77.3%, the survey found. The UK and France score higher at 80% while Germany and Netherlands score slightly lower at 75%.

The survey concluded that even the availability and size of a mobile data plan is not enough for most people, regardless of whether they are at home or on holiday.

Reporting on the survey results, Linksys said: “As we talk about being Zen and switching off while traveling abroad, mouthwatering selfies still manage to sneak their way in. Post it and leave it doesn’t work as you must keep watch of incoming likes. As it turns out, saying that you’re switching off, doesn’t actually mean you’re switching off – and now there is data to support it.”

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