SEO with Yvonne Halling
April 2022

Understanding SEO for your BnB – with Yvonne Halling

What is SEO and how does it help you boost direct bookings? Simply put, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the strategy of getting more visitors to your B&B website, by attracting people who are using search engine sites like Google, YouTube and Bing to find and choose a B&B to stay in. […]

profitroom booking engine
August 2021

Product News: Profitroom booking engine

Boosting hotel direct bookings with Profitroom Booking Engine 360: it’s in our DNA This industry-leading, highly converting and customisable booking solution provides a seamless user experience for your hotel website visitors. It simply converts more […]

dome house lakes windermere bowness

Dome House Lakes

Best known for appearing on Grand Designs, this luxury venue has a lot to offer its guests. Discover interior design top tips, how you can provide the ultimate romantic retreat and steps you can take […]