Top Five things to do whilst isolating

man self isolating
Man self isolating

1. Build a new website and  update your marketing

It has probably been a bugbear of yours for ages. Finally, you have the time to polish up your website so when the restrictions are lifted and people search again for quality accommodation, yours will stand out. And there are plenty of UK based designers out there needing work at the moment so you might even get a good deal! Contact us for a list of people we’d recommend.

2. Get round to that snagging list

So much of your time, money and care has been invested in bringing your indoor offering up to scratch. But even the best places have room for improvements.

3. Tidy up that outdoor space

Have you neglected the potential value of your outdoor space? See page 40 for more tips. Besides buying in new products, patio weeds and neglected flower beds are crying out for your attention. Give it to them while you have the time!

4. Enter the Luxury BnB Awards 2020

Entries are now being invited for the second Excellence in Luxury Service Awards. Visit

5. Subscribe to Luxury Bed & Breakfast magazine

From this month, we will be charging £19 per year (after an initial 3 issues). The online issue will remain FREE.Subscribe to both issues at

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