Why don’t B&Bs niche?


Industry expert Yvonne Halling considers how niching can help your hospitality business.

One of the ways in which you can stand out from the crowd, attract the guests YOU want to welcome and literally make tons more money (not to mention have more fun) is to “niche” your business.

Let’s look first at why too many owners don’t niche:

• They believe they have to appeal to anyone and everyone so they don’t miss out on bookings

• They believe that niching will limit their appeal

• They think that they’re chosen only on price

• They’ve never defined their ideal guest

• They’re afraid to niche in case they lose money/bookings

Here’s the truth: Niching your business will bring you more guests, more money, more fun and more fulfilment and here’s why.

When you take the time to work out WHO your product is for, and WHY those customers would choose YOU, then you have a unique point of differentiation in the market.

This means you can raise your rates, because the guests who want what you have will happily pay more for the unique experience you offer, that they can’t get anywhere else.

It also takes you out of what we call the “meat market” where you’re seen as a commodity and chosen only on price. And who wants to be in that place?

Second, when you’re clear on WHO you want to welcome and WHY, you can start creating marketing content that will appeal specifically to them, instead of posting recipes and pictures of your breakfasts on social media, which doesn’t bring bookings.

You’ll be speaking directly to their hearts and minds, positioning yourself as an “expert” instead of a “generalist” which is where most owners are unfortunately.

And who gets paid more – the expert or the generalist?

People can get beautiful rooms and delicious breakfasts anywhere. You’ve got to go deeper to find YOUR unique value and lead with that, not your prices or discounts.

Third, you elevate yourself in the eyes of your guests, into a kind of mini-celebrity who they want to follow, learn from, be around. You create your own community of like-minded people who recommend you, talk about you, send their friends and family to you.

Because birds of a feather flock together.

And finally, when you’ve got your community, you don’t need to worry about anyone else.

Just by focussing on feeding and nurturing them with content that only they want to see, you’ll attract more of them and before you know it…

You’ll have a niche business, uniquely positioning yourself in the market as the ONLY place to stay for the guests YOU want to welcome, making more money and having more fun. And who doesn’t want that?

Niching is where the money is, the fun is and the ideal guests are, so what’s stopping you?


Wine: www.hismajestys.com

Trains: www.stationinnpa.com

Families and pets: www.lancombe.co.uk

About Yvonne:

Yvonne Halling is no stranger to the hospitality industry.

In 2001, Yvonne opened her B&B in the Champagne region of France, running her B&B for 17 years.

Yvonne is now the Bed and Breakfast coach, offering owners and managers in the B&B industry helpful training and masterclasses.

Yvonne helps B&B owners make 25% more more whilst actually working less. If you’re looking for a coach and mentor, Yvonne offers free 30 minute consultations to talk about your business and your dreams.

If you have any questions, email Yvonne at [email protected]

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About Yvonne Halling 13 Articles
Yvonne Halling ran a Bed and Breakfast business for 17 years, in the Champagne region of France, where she welcomed people from all over the world, helping them to discover the hidden gems of Champagne. Yvonne now consults, coaches and mentors other hospitality businesses worldwide using online tools and technology.