A brewery located in the heart of the Surrey Hills Area of outstanding natural beauty has come out top in Champion Beer of Britain 2019, CAMRA’s competition to name the best beer in Britain.
Shere Drop is a former winner in two different categories and took home bronze in 2010. It is described as pale in colour with a subtle hint of grapefruit and lemon in the aroma, with hop bitterness “complemented by a balanced malt flavour”.
Ross Hunter, director of Surrey Hills Brewery, said: “I am absolutely elated. We have reached the final a number of times, which is most important as it means we are consistently producing quality beers – which is our top goal! To win the gold overall is a fantastic achievement. I am just speechless!”
Nik Antona, CAMRA’s National Chairman says: “Congratulations to Surrey Hills Brewery for winning the Champion Beer of Britain award for its Shere Drop, which is the highest beer accolade in the country. The judges were particularly impressed with the malty flavour and long finish. A very worthy winner.”
Bronze place in the Champion Beer of Britain competition was taken by Oakham Ales, based in Peterborough, for their session IPA Citra. Oakham are regulars in the Champion Beer of Britain competition and took home the silver award in 2014, 2009 and 1999 as well as gold in 2001.
Silver place was won by Grey Trees Brewery’s Afghan IPA, a previous winner of the Strong Bitters category, taking first place in 2017. Grey Trees is based in Aberdare in South Wales.