Johnson Dry Cleaners expert bedding tips

Cleanliness is a primary criterion on which guests will judge their stay and most importantly, the cleanliness of the bed in which they spend the majority of their stay.

johnson dry cleaning

Johnson Dry Cleaners expert bedding tips

Cleanliness is a primary criterion on which guests will judge their stay and most importantly, the cleanliness of the bed in which they spend the majority of their stay. But there is much more to bed cleanliness than meets the eye. All accommodation owners will be well versed in regimentally dry cleaning guests bedding, but it’s the duvets, pillows and mattress toppers beneath the bedding that need more attention.

Alarmingly, the average duvet can contain up to 20,000 live house dust mites if not washed at least every 6 months. Mixed with a host of bacteria and fungal spores, these unclean duvets can exacerbate eczema and even cause new allergies such as rhinitis and infections such as conjunctivitis – not something to boost guest reviews!

To further shock readers, Johnson Cleaners have done a study which has revealed that half of the UK would choose to throw away bedding, rather than clean it. The problem with this is that neglected bedding ends up in landfill sites where it will not biodegrade and, as a result, has become a major concern to the environment. Despite this concern, 71% of Britons didn’t know where to get feather pillows cleaned and almost 50% of the UK doesn’t know the best place to have a duvet washed.

In order to ensure bed mites are kept at bay and to reduce environmental impacts, Johnson Cleaners have some useful words of wisdom. The average, domestic washing machine are often too small to clean duvets and pillows effectively and they are also less able to kill off dust mites and the allergens produced by them. Johnson Cleaners recommendation is to get duvets and pillows regularly cleaned professionally to keep them in premium condition. The giant washing machines at the Johnson Cleaner’s specialist centre can take up to 200kg of laundry and use specialist steam heating to ensure duvets are treated with care while being thoroughly cleaned. In addition, Johnson Cleaners specialist pillow cleaning service uses ultra violet light to rid feathers of any hidden nasties, as everyday wet washing can cause feathers to decompose and change shape of the pillow.

To save busy people from transporting heavy loads down to the high street, Johnson Dry Cleaners have a Click, Clean, Deliver online service to collect and deliver duvets and pillows to the front door. For further information and online ordering please visit

Duvets and pillows can harbor dust mites, bacteria, and other allergens. These can trigger allergies and asthma, and they can also make guests feel uncomfortable. Mattress toppers can also collect dust and dirt, which can make the bed feel dirty and unsanitary.

To keep bedding clean, it’s important to wash duvets and pillows every 6 months. Mattress toppers should be washed every 12 months. If you have guests staying with you, it’s a good idea to wash the bedding before they arrive.

If you don’t have a washing machine that’s large enough to wash duvets and pillows, you can take them to a professional dry cleaner. They will be able to clean them thoroughly and remove all of the allergens.

By following these tips, you can make sure that your bedding is always clean and comfortable for your guests.”

Here are some additional tips for keeping bedding clean:

  • Make the bed every day and remove any visible dirt or dust.
  • Air out the bedding regularly, especially if you have pets.
  • Avoid using fabric softener, as it can trap allergens.
  • If you have allergies, you may want to consider using hypoallergenic bedding.

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Oliver is web editor, social media poster, search engine optimiser.