bed and breakfast academy toilet paper origami
August 2021

Toilet paper origami

I’m staying on the toilet theme this week. I appreciate it’s not considered polite conversation but, like it or not, toilets do feature quite heavily in a B&B owner’s life. On a holiday to the […]

dipsan hygienic toilet brush
August 2021

Product News: Dip-San hygienic toilet brush

The Dip-San® patented Self Cleaning Brush System has been developed to provide a totally hygienic alternative to the traditional germ-ridden toilet brush. Our product platform has been designed for both ‘at home’ and a diverse […]

June 2021

Product News: Alliance Online

To elevate hygiene practices for the reopening, we are pleased to announce the launch of Microban 24 Professional, a new disinfectant brand, which offers unrivalled protection against bacteria. The new product range initially kills 99.9% […]